BIOSURF VII — Functional Interfaces for Directing Biological Response

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Abstract Publication

BIOSURF VII abstracts will be published in a special supplement of the European Cells and Materials (ECM) free online journal.

International 'Open Access' journal ECM, enables rapid publication of peer-reviewed papers to disseminate scientific knowledge world-wide without profit.


ECM provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for publication and discussion for researchers in the following fields:

  • Assessment of materials for biomedical use & interaction with tissues/ cells /bacteria.
  • Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
  • Properties of bone, cartilage, intervertebral disc & other related connective tissues.
  • Stem and Progenitor Cells.

ECM carries original research papers, reviews and tutorials on the advances made within the journal scope. All articles are peer-reviewed and reviewer comments, together with responses by authors, are published as an integral part of the paper.

Ten good reasons for publishing a paper in ECM

  1. World-wide ‘True Open & Free access to all’. Over 5100 registered readers (100 countries).
  2. ECM is indexed in CAS, Index Medicus, Medline and Scopus databases and can be searched directly from Pubmed, DOAJ and Open J Gate.
  3. ECM is now covered by ISI within: Science Citation Index Expanded, available as the ISI Web of Science, Materials Science Citation Index, Engineering Citation Index and ISI Alerting Services, Biosis Previews and Biological abstracts.
  4. No submission or publication charges of any kind (incl. colour illustrations & videos).
  5. Authors retain copyright to their articles.
  6. Open high standard peer reviewing minimises both favouritism and prejudice.
  7. Discussion with reviewers feature allows sensible arguments included in the paper.
  8. Speed of publication (Usually 3 weeks after acceptance).
  9. No payment for reprints: simply mail colleagues the web page address of the paper.
  10. ECM was founded by scientists for the benefit of Science rather than profit.

URL:; Time: 14.03.25, 20:35