Abstract Publication
BIOSURF VII abstracts will be published in a special supplement of the European Cells and Materials (ECM) free online journal.
International 'Open Access' journal ECM, enables rapid publication of peer-reviewed papers to disseminate scientific knowledge world-wide without profit.

ECM provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for publication and discussion for researchers in the following fields:
- Assessment of materials for biomedical use & interaction with tissues/ cells /bacteria.
- Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
- Properties of bone, cartilage, intervertebral disc & other related connective tissues.
- Stem and Progenitor Cells.
ECM carries original research papers, reviews and tutorials on the advances made within the journal scope. All articles are peer-reviewed and reviewer comments, together with responses by authors, are published as an integral part of the paper.
Ten good reasons for publishing a paper in ECM
- World-wide ‘True Open & Free access to all’. Over 5100 registered readers (100 countries).
- ECM is indexed in CAS, Index Medicus, Medline and Scopus databases and can be searched directly from Pubmed, DOAJ and Open J Gate.
- ECM is now covered by ISI within: Science Citation Index Expanded, available as the ISI Web of Science, Materials Science Citation Index, Engineering Citation Index and ISI Alerting Services, Biosis Previews and Biological abstracts.
- No submission or publication charges of any kind (incl. colour illustrations & videos).
- Authors retain copyright to their articles.
- Open high standard peer reviewing minimises both favouritism and prejudice.
- Discussion with reviewers feature allows sensible arguments included in the paper.
- Speed of publication (Usually 3 weeks after acceptance).
- No payment for reprints: simply mail colleagues the web page address of the paper.
- ECM was founded by scientists for the benefit of Science rather than profit.
URL: http://www.biomaterials.ch/biosurf/abstract_publication; Time: 14.03.25, 20:35