BIOSURF VII — Functional Interfaces for Directing Biological Response

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Workshop on Science and Applications in the Field of Biomaterials, Biosensors, Tissue Engineering and Drug Delivery

Tuesday August 28th, 13.00-18.00 and Wednesday 29th, 08.30-11.30
ETH Zurich, HG, Lecture Hall G5, Rämistrasse 101, CH-8092 Zurich

This workshop, financially supported and organized by the Swiss Competence Center for Materials Research and Technology (CCMX), Materials for the Life Sciences Unit (MatLife), addresses members of research and development groups at both academic institutions (particularly master's and PhD students, postdoctoral fellows) and industry (e.g. young researchers who have started to work in industry, with an interest in the topics of the workshop).

The workshop will provide tutorial-style introductory lectures by scientists and lecturers who are highly recognized in their fields, followed by plenary discussion sessions. All lectures will start with a general introduction into the specific field, covering the important scientific and technological aspects, the state of the art and problems/challenges in terms of both the underlying scientific issues as well as applications, with emphasis on the materials and surface aspects.

The speakers have been asked to provide information in a format that also enables non-specialists to follow and profit from the lectures. A further aim is the opportunity for the participants to make personal contacts to the lecturers for future interactions.

The workshop, designed to be the first in a series, will address a number of topics, relevant from both a scientific and application standpoint, in the areas of biomaterials, biosensors, tissue engineering/regenerative medicine and carrier systems for targeted drug delivery.

For graduate students at ETHZ: 1 credit point attendance to the tutorials and one poster presentation

Prof. Dave W. Grainger, University of Utah, USA
Interfacial Aspects of Medical Devices Bio-inspired materials, bioanalytical sensing, protein adsorption, cell-surface interactions, vaccine delivery
Dr. Christophe Danelon, EPF Lausanne, and Dr. Erik Reimhult, ETH Zurich, CH
Vesicles and Supported Bilayers
Liposomes, vesicle immobilization, nanoreactors, membrane proteins, kinetics, biointerfaces, fluorescence
Prof. Deborah Leckband, University of Illinois Urbana and Champaign, USA
Mechanics of Intercellular Adhesion: From Single Molecules to Tissues Cell-cell adhesion, cadherins, atomic force microscopy, surface force apparatus, micropipette aspiration, dynamics
Prof. Nicholas D. Spencer, ETH Zurich, CH
Tribology of Human Articular Joints and Joint Prostheses: What We Know and What We Don't Knee and hip joints, biotribology, cartilage, synovial fluid, implants, prostheses
Prof. Simon Hoerstrup, University Hospital Zurich, CH
Overview of Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering and Regeneration Cardiovascular regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, autologous heart valves and blood vessels, functional growth
Dr. Katja Nuss, University of Zurich, CH
Animal Experiments in Conjunction with Biomaterials and  Biotechnology: Design and Interpretation Biocompatibility tests, in vivo, animal species,  tissue response, foreign body cells
Prof. Jeffrey A. Hubbell, EPF Lausanne, CH, and Prof. Kazunari Akiyoshi, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, J
Drug Delivery And Cancer Therapy Targeted drug delivery, drug carriers, multifunctional nanoparticles, nanogel engineering, cancer cell therapy

For further information please contact geraldine.coullerez at

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