Call for Papers

Please register before submitting the abstract.


Both oral and poster presentations are invited. The abstract must be submitted as electronic file in MS Word. It will be electronically typeset, for publication as a supplement in the European Cells & Materials journal. Hence, abstracts must adhere to the abstract guidelines.

Download abstract template: abs_submit_ECM_template.doc
Download pdf example: abs_submit_ECM_template.pdf

The required styles illustrated in this Microsoft WORD document, must be used as a template for production of abstracts, by replacing the relevant text with your own. The easiest way to use this abstract form is by cutting and pasting of unformatted text to maintain the documents present format.

Abstracts must not exceed 1 Page. Please submit the abstract as a Word for Windows or Word for MacOS X document. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Please submit your abstract here (not available yet).

See Dates and Deadlines page for submission dates.

Oral and Poster Presentations

Everyone can submit for poster presentations within any field of Biomaterials. Reduced registration fee will be charged to students (Undergraduate or PhD students) who are presenting a communication (talk or poster) as first author.

Poster presentations may be shown during the whole conference and placed according to their number. Posters should be no larger than DIN A0 (84 cm wide by 118.8 cm long) in portrait form and not landscape. Double sided sticky tape will be provided for poster mounting.

Presenters should bring their talks on a USB memory stick, as we do not have time to change laptops between talks.

Presentation Guidelines

We advise all presenters to read these guidelines before starting to prepare their talks.

Please register before submitting the abstract.

Meeting News


Schulthess KlinikETH Zurich


Anfass AGspacer.pngAO Foundationspacer.pngBiomaterials Science Centerspacer.pngspacer.pngDentsply Sirona Endodonticsspacer.pngBioTekspacer.pngEmpaspacer.pngEPFLspacer.pngGeistlichspacer.pngMathysspacer.pngOptics11spacer.pngregenHU Ltdspacer.pngRMS Foundationspacer.pngScanco Medicalspacer.pngStadt Zürichspacer.png
Kanton Zürich
spacer.pngUniversité de Fribourgspacer.pngUniversity Hospital Zurichspacer.pngVivosDental AGspacer.png

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