SSB+RM Research Awards

To honor excellent scientific work in the area of Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine, the SSB+RM will present two Research Awards a year, one for an outstanding PhD thesis and one for an outstanding MD/DDS thesis. The awards will be given based on originality and impact of the work. The research award consists of CHF 1500.- and a certificate.


  • To qualify for the Research Award, the candidate must have completed and defended her/his PhD/MD/DDS thesis during the last 12 months at a Swiss university or be a Swiss citizen who defended in a foreign country.
  • The topic of the research must be related to the scope of the society.
  • The author of the thesis may nominate him- or herself.
  • The candidate must have at least one accepted paper as first author in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • The candidate must submit a cover letter, CV, pdf of the thesis and pdf of the accepted paper to the SSB+RM secretary.
  • The deadline for submission is December 31 for the Award ceremony of the following year.
  • The Award Committee is composed of active members of the Executive Committee of the SSB+RM who will evaluate the applications. Their decision is final.
  • The winners are expected to present their work at the SSB+RM Annual Conference.
  • 2016 deadline for submission: 8th of April 2016.

Meeting News


Schulthess KlinikETH Zurich


Anfass AGspacer.pngAO Foundationspacer.pngBiomaterials Science Centerspacer.pngspacer.pngDentsply Sirona Endodonticsspacer.pngBioTekspacer.pngEmpaspacer.pngEPFLspacer.pngGeistlichspacer.pngMathysspacer.pngOptics11spacer.pngregenHU Ltdspacer.pngRMS Foundationspacer.pngScanco Medicalspacer.pngStadt Zürichspacer.png
Kanton Zürich
spacer.pngUniversité de Fribourgspacer.pngUniversity Hospital Zurichspacer.pngVivosDental AGspacer.png

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