On June 9-10, 2016, the Swiss Society for Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine (SSB+RM) held its 22nd Annual meeting at the Schulthess Klinik in Zürich. The topic of the conference was ‘Biomaterials in Translation’. The details and images of the meeting can be found in the annual meeting reports. The 23nd Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine will take place on May 17-18, 2017 in Empa, St Gallen.
The Swiss Conferences on Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine combined with the Annual Meeting of the SSB+RM are organized with focus on specific themes related to biomaterials. In 2016, the 2 days conference is dedicated to 'Biomaterials in Translation'.
The conference will include 3 keynote speakers who will give an overview of clinical and commercial translation of biomaterials. Four sessions will be devoted to the design, preparation, characterisation, quality control and application of all types of biomaterials from the viewpoint of academia, industry and the clinics. A Young Scientists session and speaker, rapid-fire presentations, industrial exhibits, and poster sessions will allow ample time for interaction and discussion of past experience, present challenges and future ideas.
The 22nd Swiss Conference on Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine with the main topic "Biomaterials in Translation" will take place on June 9-10, 2016 at the Schulthess Klinik, Zurich. Announcement Flyer (pdf, 1.5 MB)
The 2nd Lab & Networking event, organized by the Swiss Society for Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine (SSB+RM) and the Association of Young Scientists in the Biomedical Field in Switzerland, will take place in the Laboratory for Orthopaedic Technology (ETH Zurich) on September 18th 2015. The aim of these events is to give young scientists the opportunity to visit laboratories from the SSB+RM network and meet their colleagues in a relaxed environment.
We welcome young scientists (Master Students, PhD Students,
Postdocs) to participate in this half-day workshop and learn more about
(1) Models of disc degeneration and their use in regenerative therapies
(2) Electrospinning
(3) Ossified tissue mechanics
As before, this event offers hands-on experience as well as
a great networking part after the lab exercises. Participation is free,
but registration is mandatory.
Registration and detailed information
The Swiss Society for Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine (SSB+RM) organised a two-days conference together with EPFL which was dedicated to "Biomaterials: past and present" combined with the 21th Annual Meeting and the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Society. The details of the meeting can be found in the annual meeting reports.
All presented contribution abstracts are now published in the eCM journal, the official journal of the SSB+RM.
The SSB+RM sponsors and the sponsors of SSB+RM 2015 (Nano Bridging Molecules, Stemedica, IBI, and the Institute of Bioengineering at EPFL) are gratefully thanked for their support.
The 22nd edition of the annual conferences of the Swiss Society for Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine, SSB+RM2016, will take place in June 2016 at the Schultess Clinic in Zürich.
Keep in tune for the 2nd "Lab & Networking Event" taking place at ETH-Zurich this autumn.
In 2015, a two-days conference dedicated to ‘Biomaterials: past and present’ will be combined with the Annual Meeting and the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the SSB+RM. The conference will include keynote lectures and sessions on biomaterials, biofabrication and tissue engineering with presentations from academy, industry and clinicians. The final program is now available.
A Young Scientists forum, exhibitions, posters and direct contacts between participants will be organized to share past experience, present challenges and future ideas. more details...
The SSB+RM and YSBM.ch are inviting the Young Investigators to participate in the 1st "Lab & Networking Event" taking place in the AO Research Institute Davos, February 27th. The aim of these events is to give young scientists the opportunity to visit laboratories from the SSB+RM network and meet their colleagues in a relaxed environment.
Group photo at SSB+RM2014 (all photos)
The SSB+RM meetings are devoted to all aspects of biomaterials science including designing, preparation, characterisation, quality control and application. Emphasis is not only placed on basic research but also on engineering and medical implications. The meetings are open to everybody interested in the scientific, technological and medical aspects of biomaterials and primarily target graduate students, scientists, medical doctors, dentists and engineers dealing with metal, ceramic, polymer or other biomaterials and tissue engineering.
2014 Theme: Besides the general session, the program includes a Young Scientist session, a Tissue Engineering session and a special session dedicated to Ion and Molecule Release from Biomaterials. more details
The Executive Committee of the SSB+RM has designated three of its members (Katharina Maniura, Marcy Zenobi-Wong, David Eglin) to be part of the Task Force to define more precisely the goals and the organizational needs related to the integration of tissue engineering activities in the purpose and activities of the Society. We are now looking forward to completing the group with at least three persons outside the EC. Participants of the Task Force might have to attend a couple of dedicated meetings during the next months, but most of the work is likely to be achieved via internet media. more details (24.11.2013)
During the General Assembly of the SSB in Davos on June 26, 2013, the members accepted to integrate Tissue Engineering research and development in its purpose and activities. In September 2013, a task force will be set up to identify actions and organizational changes that need to be undertaken in order to fully incorporate tissue engineering in the scope of the Society. Subsequently, the members voted in favor of a new name for the SSB:
As soon as a new logo has been designed, it will appear on this website. In the meantime the current logo and acronym (SSB) will continue to be used.
Group Photo at SSB2013 (all photos)
The SSB meetings are devoted to all aspects of biomaterials such as designing, preparation, characterisation, quality control and application. Emphasis is placed not only on the basic research but also on engineering. The meetings are open to all who are interested in the scientific, technology and medical aspects of biomaterials and primarily target graduate students, scientists, medical doctors, dentists and engineers involved in metal, ceramic, polymer or other biomaterials.
2013 Theme: The first day, June 25, will start with a Young Scientists session. The following day, June 26, a special session will be dedicated to Polymers and Biomaterials.
The 2012 SSB Annual Meeting and General Assembly took place at Uniklinik Balgrist, the orthopaedic university hospital in Zurich, on May 3, 2012. The topic of the meeting was Biomaterials in Orthopaedic Surgery: From Bench to Bedside and back and brought together biomaterial scientists with clinicians and clinical scientists. International keynote speakers shared the podium with biomaterials students and scientists from Switzerland.
Images of the meeting are now online.
The 2011 SSB Annual Meeting and General Assembly took place in Yverdon-les-Bains at Y-Parc Technology Campus on May 4, 2011. The topic of the meeting was Applications of Biomaterials in Dental and Musculoskeletal Devices. International keynote speakers shared the podium with biomaterials students and scientists from Switzerland.
The abstracts for the contributions have now been published by the eCM journal.
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The award sponsored by the Swiss Society for Biomaterials is aiming at supporting scientific efforts in translational research, i.e. scientific activities helping to transform a research idea into a product.
At the ESB2010 in Tampere, the first SSB awards for the best oral and poster presentation on translational research were distributed.
Best poster presentation on translational research:
High Strength Methacrylate Composites Containing Calcium Phosphates and
Adhesion Promoting Monomers" (Abstract 3889), Kirsty Main, London, UK
Best oral presentation on translational research:
Active Bioabsorbable Shape-Memory Polymers and Composites - Degradation
and Performance" (Abstract 3385), K. Paakinaho, Tampere, Finland
Jury members: D. Grijpma (The Netherlands), M. Doser (Germany), D. Lacroix (Spain), S. Beck (Switzerland), C. Wandrey (SSB secretary), G. Rizzoli (SSB treasurer), M. Bohner (SSB president)
SSB 2010 meeting took place on May 5, 2010 at Empa in Dübendorf. It was organized by Katharina Maniura and Arie Bruinink, with the support of Giancarlo Rizzoli and Manfred Zinn. The 2010 conference focused on "Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering" with a special emphasis on:
There were three invited talks:
Besides these three invited lecturers, there were 12 other oral communications and 43 poster presentations. All abstracts are published in the ECM journal, the official journal of the SSB.
120 attendees were present at the meeting.
As in past years, SSB sponsored two awards for the best student presentations. The student awards went to:
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The Swiss Society for Biomaterials are proud to have hosted the 22nd European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB2009), from September 7-11, 2009 in the Beaulieu Convention Centre, Lausanne. The conference was the annual conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB). ESB2009 strengthened the scientific basis of the traditional ESB core topics with several changes to the normal ESB conference structure as well as increasing interaction with both the clinical and industrial side of biomaterials. The majority of participants came from Europe but also a considerable number from Asia, USA and overseas composed of researchers, medical professionals and manufacturers. ESB2009 attracted clinicians by holding several keynote lectures from clinicians, by subdividing the meeting in day themes.
1044 abstracts were submitted for presentation at ESB2009 (The most submitted to an ESB event - previous record 750 abstracts), and there were 250 oral presentations and over 750 posters. A total of 1201 attendees participated at ESB2009 which is the highest registration number for an ESB conference (previous record 1100, ESB2005, Sorrento Italy). more details